Table of Contents
Introduction: A Tale of Two Kingdoms
1. Worship and Life: Tearing Asunder What God Hath Joined Together?
Part One: Pilgrim Theology and Christian Worship
2. Corporate Worship: The Covenantal Assembly of a Peculiar People
3. Irrelevance of Relevance: Grits, Salt, and the Assembling of the Saints
4. Resident Aliens: The Church as a Counterculture
5. The Power of Weakness: Why Christianity Works Best as an Underdog
6. Sabbath For Sale: Working for the Weekend, Redeeming the Nation, or None of the Above?
7. “Suburbylon”: Why Not Even White Picket Fences Can Keep the World Out
8. Reformed Piety: Closet Quiet Time or a Table in the Wilderness?
Part Two: Pilgrim Theology and Christian Life
9. The Big Picture: War Is Over! (Whether You Want It Or Not)
10. Egypt’s Unworthiness: Joseph, Moses, and the Vanity of Time
11. The Destiny of the Species: Which Came Last: The Chicken or the Egg?
12. Worldliness: Puritans, Pagans, and the Proper Place for Pleasure
13. New Covenant Sanctification: The Cross, the Spirit, and the Glory to Come
14. The Bragging Calvinist: Why the New Covenant Allows Boasting
15. Blessed Assurance: The Witness and the Whisper, the Earnest and the Ache